Supporting Members

As a Supporting Member, you provide Culture Current with crucial support. You will receive monthly newsletter to keep abreast of our activities. You also receive priority invitations to our events as well as discounts. You are welcome to attend our general meetings. Individuals and legal entities may become may become Supporting Members.

In addition to those individuals who wished to remain anonymous, our Supporting Members are:


  • Ida Backer — The­atre Edu­ca­tor, singer
  • Hen­na Hakkarainen – Actor 
  • Nina Kris­ti­ina Honka­nen — Pri­vate psy­chi­a­trist, EMDR therapist
  • Riina Huh­ta­nen — Dancer and osteopath
  • Vesa Kan­to­la – Lec­tur­er of visu­al communication 
  • Mar­ja Kari – Singer, voice teacher 
  • Malin Kivelä – Writer 
  • Teemu Miet­ti­nen – Human Resources and Finance Manager 
  • Esko Nuu­ti­la – Com­put­er sci­ence researcher and T’ai Chi teacher 
  • Juha Piiroinen — Art teacher, eLearn­ing designer
  • Han­na Raiskin­mä­ki – Actor 
  • Jenine Simons — Doctor 
  • Katri Soi­ni — Dancer
  • Mil­ja Sarko­la – Direc­tor, writer 
  • Iina Ukko­nen — Visu­al and per­for­mance artist
  • Jen­ni-Eli­na von Bagh – Dancer, choreographer


  • Yö ry

Become a Supporting Member!

As a Supporting Member, you support the day-to-day activities of the organization, and help make projects like our performances and courses possible.

Supporting Members receive:

  • dis­counts to CC events, work­shops, etc.
  • pri­or­i­ty invi­ta­tions to CC events, work­shops, etc.
  • invi­ta­tions to our gen­er­al meetings.

Individuals and organizations (legal entities) may become Supporting Members.

Supporting Membership Levels (one-year membership)


25€ and up


50€ and up

How to become a Supporting Member:

In the form below:

1) Choose a membership level.

2) Enter the amount of support.

3) Enter your contact details in the form below.

4) Press send.

After we receive your message:

5) We will send you a bill.

6) Please pay the bill.

7) We will thank you.

Check if you do NOT want to receive the CC newsletter, CC discounts, or any other information

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