about culture current

In brief

Culture Current is an arts and education non-profit organization. We are rooted in Helsinki, Finland’s cultural scene. Our work branches out to the world.  Culture Current produces artistic work by our members and supporting members, especially in the performing arts.  We organize art courses and workshops for professionals and the general public. We collaborate with leading cultural and educational organizations to engage diverse audiences, particularly in terms of language, internationalism, and economic diversity. As we create quality artistic and educational work, we develop and enrich art and culture in Finland and beyond.

In detail....

Who we are

Since 2013, Kulttuuriyhdistys Culture Current ry has organized numerous courses and performances in Helsinki and throughout Finland. We are members of Monihheli ry, Globe Art Point Association ry, and Yö ry. We also work with DUV Teatern and we are developing a partnership with newly formed Yö ry.

As an association, we prioritize working with a core membership deeply committed to our activities. Additionally, we rely on the involvement and encouragement of our supporting members, many of whom are artistic professionals and participate in our courses and artistic projects. We are continually reaching out to the general public to involve diverse audiences, especially in terms of language, internationalism, (dis)ability, and economic diversity.

Our Board of Directors consists of active artistic and cultural professionals.

Our Board of Advisors is an international group of luminaries in the cultural and educational fields.

Our Mission

Our association’s purpose is to organize and implement educational, cutlural, and artistic activities to achieve. To our goals we:

-create and promote empathetic, critical and mutual interaction between different individuals, groups and ideas on topical themes.

-create and promote creative artistic and cultural activities as well as social and educational activities, especially those that deal with international, multicultural and democratic themes.

-organize, promote and participate in cultural, social and educational activities that promote physical and social well-being of society.

-promote and support the employment of New Finns and migrants as well as cultural, social and educational workers through education, training and course activities.

-employ cultural, social and educational workers, especially New Finns and migrants in those activities fulfilling the purposes of the association.

What we have accomplished

Education and Culture

Our courses and workshps have been geared to our membership, mostly professional artists, and the general public.

In 2022, we organized Openings, an international workshop in the performing arts developing creative relationships and performance situations through dramatic play and improvisation. To read more about the project, please click here.

We work to support interculturalism and diversity in the arts. Our courses have been taught in Finnish, Swedish, and English by international and Finnish professionals. Additionally, our course fees have remained modest and always include discounts for students and the unemployed.

One of our main course offerings is (Inter)acting with the Inner Partner, a solo improvisational discipline. It has also been taught by our members in educational institutions like at the University of Arts Helsinki and Tampere University (Näty) and in professional contexts like Svenska Teatern.

Coursework in performative well-being was first piloted as part of Culture Current’s activities. This was later developed by one of our members and chair, Alexander Komlosi, at the Performing Arts Research Center, Uniarts, funded by a year-long post-doctoral research grant from the Finnish Cultural Foundation (2017). It is still part of our regular course offerings.

Additionally, we have offered courses in clown and organized workshops by international artists in Helsinki (2017-8) and workshop intensives in the Czech Republic with partners there (2019).

Professional Arts

In addition to our courses, we support artists and cultural workers in their artistic work, especially immigrants and those with an international background. Our performances and courses have involved recognized artistic professionals. We have produced performances like It Could Be Worse (Teatteri Takomo, Stoa, 2014) and It Could Be Worse...in your home town (Wasa Teatern, After Eight, 2016). These were interactive performances built with local communities exploring immigration, racism, and discrimination in Finland. Our most recent production, The Hucky Honolulu Sessions, was a hybrid internet-live performance that explored themes of mental illness and marginalization (internet and Stoa, 2019, funded by Taike and Helsinki City).


We have received funding from Helsinki City (2019-21), Svenska kulturfunden (2016, 2021), Eugene, Elisabeth och Brigit Nygréns stifelse (2016), Vaasan Akitasäätio (2015), Oskar Öflunds Stiftelse (2015), Suomen kulttuurirahasto (2021), Taike (2013, 2021).

Accountability and Ethics

Our Board of Directors monitors our activities keeping in mind our association’s goals and the projects’ goals. They give feedback in this regard. Regular feedback, both personal and anonymous, is obtained from participants in our projects, audiences, and partners. Critical feedback is also solicited from other members of professional communities (e.g., journalists and art critics).


Our association’s purpose is to organize, promote, and participate in cultural, social and educational activities that promote physical and social well-being of society. Promoting sustainable development is an essential part of these activities.  All are projects are planned to have minimum impact on the environment, for example by using recycled materials in our work, minimizing travel, and using public transport wherever possible. Our activities involve ecological/environmental themes to promote education and action on sustainable development.

Kultturiyhdistys Culture Current ry, Suonionkatu 5 C 78, 00530 Helsinki, Finland. Business ID: 2648080-7